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1990 3rd Quarter

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Cover: 1990 3rd Quarter

by Abel Wong

1990 3rd Quarter


James Gunn: The Dreamer
"[SF is] writing largely for maladjusted teenagers who had sublimated their sexual and social frustration into various kinds of intellectual activity, including the reading of science fiction." --James Gunn, Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction

Your First Words
Extracts of James Gunn's lecture on the writing of science fiction, given in Singapore for the Literary Programme 1990, part of that year's Festival of Arts.

Windows of our Minds
June was a month of rare opportunities for aspiring artists and lovers of SF & F art, with an competition/exhibition and workshops conducted by Michael Kaluta and Charles Vess.

Science Fiction and Fantasy: Is There a Difference?
Everyone knows that there is fantasy and then there is science fiction. But is there really a dichotomy, and if so, is there some utility in keeping them separate?

Brian Aldiss: Living the Trillion Year Spree
"This is the man who once locked me in a wardrobe because I wrote a bad review of one of his books.... It's a pity there are so few writers with the wit and initiative to take this kind of prompt corrective action." --Charles Platt, on Brian Aldiss


Greeting Services, by Jerome Chan
Sporadic white lines laced across the screen before forming into a golden globe. Blue fonts formed a greeting message over the globe. "Damn greeting services," Mazon cursed silently. "Hell of a way to torture someone."

The Triumphant Return of Buck Savage, by Terence Chua
Hey, Old Timer, what did you do last time?
Did a lot of things, he replies.
Like what? you ask. What's your name anyway?
Name? he smiles, white teeth, suddenly gleaming pure even though there's barely enough light in the bar.
I used to be Buck Savage.

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