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All the myriad ways to get in touch

Email us

Webmaster (will usually be around)

President (the buck stops here)

Everyone (safety in numbers)

Write to us

Science Fiction Association (Singapore)
135 Namly Avenue
Singapore 267702

Drop in on us

Meetings are usually on the last Sunday of every month. Contact us for date/time/venue, or check for announcements on the SFAS homepage.

There is no obligation to join the SFAS if you attend one or two meetings as a guest. You are welcome to come just to see what it's like. If you decide to join, membership fees are S$12 per year.

Mailing lists

We have two mailing lists at the moment:

Announcements of meetings or events (low volume)

General discussion (moderate to high volume)

Anyone (members and non-members) is welcome to join the lists.

To subscribe, send an email to the appropriate list-request account with the appropriate keyword in the subject line. Your email address will be picked up automatically.

     To: sfas-announce-list-request@sfas.org.sg
Subject: subscribe


     To: sfas-general-list-request@sfas.org.sg
Subject: subscribe

To unsubscribe, send email to the same -request address, but with

Subject: unsubscribe

For a auto-reply help file on the mailing lists, email any of the above -request lists with

Subject: help

There is no auto-subscribe feature installed; sending a help request will not automatically subscribe you to any list.

[SFAS Home] : [Event Horizon | Contact | Tesseract | Voyager's Log]
