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SF-Related Websites

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The World Wide Web is a very large frontier, and exploring its ever-increasing strange new worlds can be time consuming, albiet interesting. This little guide isn't meant to be comprehensive, but it should serve as a useful starting point for those times when, rather than be enterprising and seek out new sites, you'd rather meekly go where many have gone before.

General SF Resources
Several sites containing useful and interesting general information for the SF fan, including the latest news and tips on writing and publishing.

Books, books, books!
For the bibliophiles among us, the websites of several publishing and mail-order companies, bookstores, reviews, and more. Find out what you want to know about coming releases or read capsule bios of your favourite authors.

Author, author!
Too many writers to list them all, but here are some sites about (or by) several we like.

TV and Movies
SF on the small and big screens. You know, all that Star Trek stuff.

(Thanks to Soh Kam Yung for compiling most of the sites. If you want to suggest new sites for our list, just email the website maintainer.)

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