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The Magazine of the SFAS

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Tesseract was the magazine of the Science Fiction Association (Singapore), published for three years (1990 - 1992). Even now, we believe that it still stands out as a solid example of what can be achieved in publishing in Singapore.

Every issue contained a selection of high-quality features, fiction, artwork, and more. The magazine drew praise from SF greats such as Brian Aldiss and Ben Bova, and had readers from the Malaysia, UK, the USA, Canada, Brazil, and (the now-former) Czechoslovakia.

Perhaps the time just wasn't right. There was never a time when Tesseract wasn't struggling financially. The sales and ad revenue was just not coming in in sufficient quantity to cover the costs. Worse, most of its readers weren't actually reading much of the magazine, and non-readers didn't intend to start, finding it "too deep".

Tesseract ceased publication at the end of 1992.

Here, we present a gallery of Tesseract covers. (Each thumbnail links to a large version of itself.) Watch this space: we hope to make available online soon some articles and fiction from past issues.

Premier Issue

Cover: Premier Issue

by Chan Man Loon

1990 2rd Quarter

Cover: 1990 2nd Quarter

by Chan Man Loon

1990 3rd Quarter

Cover: 1990 3rd Quarter

by Abel Wong

1991 1st Quarter

Cover: 1991 1st Quarter

by Eugene Gan

1991 2nd Quarter

Cover: 1991 2nd Quarter

by Raymond

1991 3th Quarter

Cover: 1991 3th Quarter

by Chan Man Loon

1991 4th Quarter

Cover: 1991 4th Quarter

by Lee Hon Kit and Chan Man Loon

1992 1st Quarter

Cover: 1992 1st Quarter

by Glen Low

1992 2nd Quarter

Cover: 1992 2nd Quarter

"Star Trek"
by Chan Man Loon

1992 3rd/4th Quarter

Cover: 1992 3rd/4th Quarter

by Chan Man Loon

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