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Welcome to the website of the

Science Fiction Association (Singapore)

[SFAS Home] : [Event Horizon | Contact | Tesseract | Voyager's Log]


[Event Horizon]

Our monthly newsletter, now online. Articles, reviews, and the latest SF gossip.


All the addresses to get in touch with us, plus information on our mailing lists.


The SFAS's ex-magazine. Cover gallery and back issue ordering.

[Voyager's Log]

Hotlinks. Bookmarks. Website list. Favourite pages. 'Net resources.


Next SFAS Meeting:
Sunday 29 October 2000
3:00 pm
Fat Frog (Substation Cafe, Armenian Street)

Check out the SFAS Calendar for details.

SFAS meetings are held on the last Sunday of every month (except when this is a public holiday), at 3:00 pm, at Fat Frog (Substation Cafe, Armenian Street).

Event Horizon

Back after a break. Reviews of Bicentennial Man and Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow.

All in this month's Event Horizon.

Join the SFAS SETI@Home team

...or check out the SETI@Home site if you don't know what it is.

Join our mailing lists?

Yes, it's true, we never stop talking. In between our face to face meetings, we keep up a discussion on whatever strikes our fancy on the SFAS mailing lists.

More info + how to join...

Join the SFAS?

If you're bored with this reality, then come meet people who know what a Kwisatz Haderach is. We're mostly harmless--highly imaginative people who like meeting like-minded folks. We have something for everyone (and every species).

Membership is S$12 per year. Your reality will never be the same again. To join, or just to find out more about the society, email us, or drop by "Contact" for other ways to get hold of us.

More about the SFAS...

[SFAS Home] : [Event Horizon | Contact | Tesseract | Voyager's Log]
