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About the SFAS

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[Event Horizon]

Our monthly newsletter, now online. Articles, reviews, and the latest SF gossip.


All the addresses to get in touch with us, plus information on our mailing lists.


The SFAS's ex-magazine. Cover gallery and back issue ordering.

[Voyager's Log]

Hotlinks. Bookmarks. Website list. Favourite pages. 'Net resources.

The Science Fiction Association (Singapore) was founded in 1989 and officially recognised as a registered society in 1990. Its aims and ideals are:
  1. to establish science fiction as a legitimate genre in the disciplines of literature and art; and
  2. to increase awareness of and around interest in science fiction and all its aspects and to encourage expression of the members' creativity through the medium of science fiction.

The SFAS meets monthly, and lively talks and spirited discussions are the order of the day. New and classic Sci-Fi movies or TV shows are occasionally screened. And bibliophiles have a huge library of SF classics to choose from in the SFAS's library.

Not too surprisingly, most members are fairly wired, so when not meeting face to face, we discuss whatever interesting things catch our fancy via our mailing lists.

Our monthly newsletter, The Event Horizon, is published electronically, and available on the web and by email, with hardcopies available on request. Have an article or story to contribute, or just have something to say? Send it along to our editor, Kam Yung.

Membership in the SFAS is S$12 per year. To join, or just to find out more about the society, email us, or drop by "Contact" for other ways to get hold of us.

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