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4. On the Internet

Well, there have been way too many sites that have popped up featuring way too many neat things for me to put it all without seriously `crashing' your machines, so I'll just state a few of the more interesting links.

First off, for the technologically inclined people who are looking for the news only nerds would love try Slashdot. It's motto is: ``news for nerds, stuff that matters'' and if there is anything of interest that is going on in the technological world that needs your interest, it is probably listed here.

For those looking for free books to read online, try BiblioBytes, a web site that features some current books online. In the SF section, you can now find books like Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower, Nancy Kress's An Alien Light and Harlan Ellison's Love Ain't Nothing But Sex Misspelled. One problem with this site is there is apparently no way to download the whole book at one shot to read it. The books are divided up into short sections and you have to select each page from the web site and bookmark where you've read in order to continue reading at another time. Of course, where will be ways to get around this.

Another interesting site that may bear watching is Online Originals which publishes original works directly on the internet. It features synopses and sample chapters and one free book per month on the site. With payment of a fee, the book will be e-mailed to you for your reading. They also can send books in `PalmDoc' format which you can then download onto the Palm III/Palm Pilot PDAs for reading.

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