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2. Book Reviews

2.1 Virtual Unrealities: The Short Fiction of Alfred Bester by Alfred Bester, reviewed by Soh Kam Yung

After plowing through, and throughly enjoying, Bester's ``The Demolished Man'' a few months ago, it was with pleasure that I now go through a collection of his better short stories. This collection of stories was, according to the inside, selected by Robert Silverberg, Byron Preiss and Keith R.A. Decandido and contains seventeen short stories. One is a fragment of a story while another story was previously unpublished.

So, how do the stories stack up? Well, the collection is somewhat unbalanced, hitting both highs and lows in terms of plot and resolution. But in terms of 'Bester style' (rapid staccato-like hitting of the reader's emotions via short, rapid sentences), the stories are a remarkable showcase of work from an author which, to many, may seem to be a one (or two) book wonder.

Among the better stories to be found in this collection are:

There are plenty of other wonderful stories in this collection. The ones I picked are my personal favourites but even those I did not mention (with a few) exceptions, are of impressive quality.

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