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5. On the Internet

5.1 Greg Egan Online

One author who is making a big splash in the SF world nowadays is Greg Egan. He has combined biology, quantum theory, mathematics and computer simulations in marvelous ways in his previous stories. But he has remain something of a recluse: I have yet to find a photo of him, for example.

Well, Mr. Egan has chosen to reveal a little more about himself by setting up a personal homepage. Upon visiting it, you'll be greeting by several animated java applets as well as a rough and quick ride through wormholes and gravitational radiation and multi-demensional space and their applications to his latest novel, Diaspora.

5.2 2001 Online

It is interesting that the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke can still generate interest despite being nearly thirty years old. One internet site devoted to 2001 is The 2001 Internet Resource Archive. It has pictures, sounds, desktop themes (for Windows 95), etc., devoted to the movie. It's humor section has the (in)famous zero-gravity toilet instructions (the only actual humourous part in the movie itself) plus parodies on making HAL IBM-compatible or why the failure on Discovery may be due to a faulty Pentium chip!

5.3 Conspiracy of `47' in Star Trek

Talk about weird. Numerology has now reared its head in the Star Trek series. In The Land of Schlocks, its creator has found that the number `47' (in various forms) appears many times in Star Trek. Apparently, even Brannon Braga has admitted that the references to `47' are not coincidental. This has started to look like the hunt for the `hidden mickeys' in Disney movies!

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