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4. On the Internet

4.1 Waste Bandwidth! Download movies!

Possibly one of the neatest movie archives on the internet, if you have the bandwidth is Jurassic Punk. This site features quicktime and MPEG movies of trailers and scenes from movies which you can download and view for fun, if you have the download speed (most of the files are several megabytes in size).

There is some great stuff there and it quite up-to-date (a recent check revealed trailers for ``Tomorrow Never Dies'' and ``The Edge''. Also, take a look at the animation section which has Animaniacs as well as Pinky and the Brain.

4.2 To Be An Ansible

If there is one fan magazine that EH aspires to be, it has to be Ansible. Edited by fan writer, David Langford, Ansible is the magazine to read to find out what is happening in British SF (author sightings, signings, conventions, etc.). Reading through it, you'll realise how much stuff in the SF world is actually going on that we're missing.

4.3 Vote for it

If you ever wanted to vote on your favourite TV shows, you now have a chance. GEOS (Global Episode Opinion Survey) is the site to go to have your votes counted in a world-wide opinion poll on SF shows and their individual episodes.

Did you want to give the thumbs up/down to a recent Babylon 5 episode? Well, now's your chance. Probably the most interesting part of the site is to see the domgraphics and find out how many people in which parts of the world agree with your ratings.

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Probably one of the most unusual sites on the web is Backwards. Go to the site, put in a link on the provided input line and voila! the web page is presented to you backwards, as if you're seeing it from inside your monitor screen.

One neat use for it that I can think of is to prevent spoilers on web pages. Just put the text for your spoilers backwards and use the site to turn the words around for those who want to see it. Cute, isn't it?

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