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General SF Resources

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General SF Resources

SF Resource Guide
Nicely categorised into sections on writing, writing resources, books, comics, TV and movies, fandom, and more. Recommended as a good starting point for further exploration.

Science Fiction Weekly
This online magazine provides articles and reviews on various SF happenings. From time to time, you'll also find interviews or gossip from the SF grapevine. An interesting zine worth checking out.

Science Fiction Writers of America
In addition to some articles on the SFWA, a useful resource on this site are several standard contracts for writers; excellent guides when the time comes that you need one.

An interesting site for SF writers and readers, it has its own web pages for (paid) members, newsgroups, a set of links to other sites and hosts Locus magazine's index of books received and the Locus Awards database. An amazing site to look for information on SF.

Klingon Language Institute
The KLI is the organisation that brings together Klingon language enthusiasts from all over the world, and is the academic centre for the promotion and development of the Klingon language. Only a pujwI' would fail to pay it a visit.

The Capt. James T. Kirk Sing-a-long page
Haven't you always wanted to karaoke a William Shatner song? Sure, we all have. Sound files and lyrics of Shatner's album The Transformed Man. Plus info on the recordings of Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), and Brent Spiner (Data).

Yahoo's Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror index
From the meanings of the sleeve colours on Space 1999 to furry fantasy fan fiction, you're likely to find them by starting out with Yahoo's rather long list of SF&F&H pages.

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