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TV and Movies

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TV and Movies

Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
By far the best site for information on the best SF TV show ever. Complete episode guides (watch out for spoilers), each including an analysis of the story development and significant events, and a special section, "jms speaks", containing J. Michael Straczynski's comments on the episode.

Star Trek [Yahoo]
Not surprisingly, the most popular SF TV series has literally hundreds of sites devoted to it, covering everything from transporter technology to fan fiction. The link above leads to Yahoo's list of ST sites; it is probably the best way for you to find sites focusing on your area of interest.

The X-Files [Yahoo]
The X-Files is likewise a very popular show, and rather than pick just one, we've taken the coward's way out and provided you with a link to Yahoo's index. (As with the previous show, you'll probably find the list of sites so long that you won't be able to explore all of them.)

Star Wars [Yahoo]
We continue to chicken out by deciding not to pick our favourite Star Wars site, and once again defer to Yahoo for their selection.

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