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The Event Horizon

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Call for Submissions

From Soh Kam Yung, Editor, The Event Horizon:
Your favourite rambling editor (who is currently not in a position to ramble much these days) would like to get articles/news items/comments/observations from fellow SFAS members to include in EH, tentatively slated for public viewing sometime later this month, probably after the 15th, as well as for future issues of EH.Due to unavoidable problems with printing out EH (rumours are somebody on the committee thinks we should save some branches), EH will be sent out by e-mail to this mailing list [sfas-general-list@sfas.org.sg]. An archive copy will also be kept at the SFAS internet site.

So if you have anything to say on any topic related to sf like "Why I hate Star Trek: First Contact" or "I'm in love with Third Rock from the Sun" or "Stephen Baxter's Voyage is the best book I've ever read" or "cloning humans is ethically valid", send them to me (directly by e-mail at kysoh@ctlsg.creaf.com).

Articles can be any length, but to keep it easy on people's eyes, it should not be too long, probably about a screen or two.

So, keeping my fingers crossed, I hope to see contributions pouring in...};-)

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