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4. On the Internet

Well, since EH is going out via e-mail, I thought it would be best of include a column/feature (if it is regular enough, it becomes a column. If not, it is a feature) on interesting sites on the internet.

These sites do not have to be directly related to SF (there are plenty of them out there, even index sites of index sites of SF sites). If they are interesting, make fascinating use of the internet or is just plain fun to try, it is good enough.

One (or two) sites will be featured each time, to give yourself the opportunity to fully explore them (no site-surfing allowed here!).

4.1 It's only an Illusion

To start off, check out the IllusionWorks web site. This is an impressive and well presented web site on the various illusions, mostly optical but also includes an audio illusion! The illusions featured include the well known 'impossible triangle', the 'barber pole', and others.

Unfortunately, some of the illusions require the Shockwave Plugin or Java to see. The site also uses frames. So if you're using a browser without these features, you're out of luck.

So browse through the numerous illusions (and explanations) to find out how many ways there are to fool your brain.

4.2 Authors on the Net

There are plenty of science fiction sites devoted out there to authors, but one of the more interesting index of sites for authors is at SFF.Net. This site features its own newsgroups, is a sponsor of Basement Full of Books (where you can get books autographed by their authors), various writers workshops and even keeps an index of books received by Locus. It offers writers free web pages on its site but if you are willing to pay, you can also get your own pages.

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